Encircle’s Older Persons Action Program (OPAP) connects and supports Seniors in the community through social and wellbeing groups, case management and brief interventions dependent on the need of the individual.
More Information
OPAP practices a case management model of support that is person centered and inclusive.
Case managed client support includes:
- My Aged Care navigation and advocacy
- Centrelink appointments and payment applications
- Form filling
- Public and social housing
- Aged care service provider referrals
- Legal and Counselling referral information and pathways
- Elder abuse and Family Domestic Violence information and referral
- Appropriate social inclusion group and local activity resourcing
- Dementia and Alzheimer support
- Health professional referral and advice.
OPAP also provides Brief Intervention for those Seniors needing a resource or referral to other supports.
OPAP also provides social events and wellbeing groups for Seniors to participate which includes: a weekly coffee and chat group, movement classes and more throughout the year.
OPAP also produces a quarterly newsletter, offers social outings and events which are created and supported by Senior volunteers under Encircle for the Redcliffe Community.
Seniors must be living in the service area of the Redcliffe Peninsula – out to Rothwell and down to the Hornibrook Bridge.
Age limits apply – Seniors are 60+ and 50+ for First Nations people.
How to refer to OPAP
Referrals are accepted from Community Services – public or private – Seniors can self-refer or through a family member or friend can call on an individual’s behalf – with consent.
- Encircle Redcliffe Neighbourhood Centre, 1 Lamington Drive, Redcliffe
- PH: 07 3284 3081
- Email:
- Contact us
Links & helpful information
- My Aged Care: 1800 200 422
- The Elder Abuse Helpline: 1300 651 192
- Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
- Lifeline: 13 11 14
- Office of The Public Guardian: 1300 653 187
- Public Trustee: 1300 360 044
- Brisbane Seniors Legal and Support Service: 07 3187 7187