Encircle Pine Rivers (Lawnton)

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  3. Encircle Pine Rivers (Lawnton)
Events at this venue


Free Laundry Facilities (Lawnton)

Encircle Pine Rivers (Lawnton) 865 Gympie Road, Lawnton, Queensland, Australia

FREE facilities for laundry needs. When: Available Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) - 9:30 am - 2:00pm Where: Encircle Pine Rivers (Lawnton) 865 Gympie Road, Lawnton Bookings essential. Please call our friendly reception on 07 3889 0063.  


Bringing Up Great Kids (Lawnton)

Encircle Pine Rivers (Lawnton) 865 Gympie Road, Lawnton, Queensland, Australia

The Bringing Up Great Kids (BUGK) Program is an integrated suite of activities and tools that are unique and offer all parents and carers a fresh way to understand and enact relationships with their children. It has been evaluated and found to be an effective program in supporting the development of mindful and positive relationships […]



Financial Counselling (Lawnton)

Encircle Pine Rivers (Lawnton) 865 Gympie Road, Lawnton, Queensland, Australia

Free Financial Counselling appointments are available on Tuesday and Wednesdays. Where: Encircle Pine Rivers Neighbourhood Centre (Lawnton) When: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday by Appointment Cost: FREE Please contact reception on 3889 0063 or email for more information. Click here to see more information on community finance options and money management resources. Free parking and […]


Conversational English Group: Pine Rivers Neighbourhood Centre (Lawnton)

Encircle Pine Rivers (Lawnton) 865 Gympie Road, Lawnton, Queensland, Australia

The Conversational English Group is a great way to improve your English speaking and listening skills in a friendly and relaxed group. Conversations are about a range of relevant and interesting topics led by an experienced volunteer educator and volunteer tutors. The group is: Friendly, relaxed, and supportive Conversations on a variety of relevant and […]


Free Shower Facilities (Lawnton)

Encircle Pine Rivers (Lawnton) 865 Gympie Road, Lawnton, Queensland, Australia

FREE shower facilities available. When: Available Wednesday and Friday (excluding public holidays) from 9:30 am – 2:00pm Where: Encircle Pine Rivers (Lawnton) 865 Gympie Road, Lawnton Bookings essential. Please call our friendly reception on 07 3889 0063.


Mosaics Social Gathering (Lawnton)

Encircle Pine Rivers (Lawnton) 865 Gympie Road, Lawnton, Queensland, Australia

A small group of community members meet to create a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small pieces of stone, tile, glass, etc. Bring your own mosaics project and come and have a coffee/tea and chat! When: Every Wednesday at 12:30am - 2:30pm Where: Encircle Pine Rivers (Lawnton) Neighbourhood Centre - 865 Gympie Road, […]


Caring Community Coffee & Crafts (Lawnton)

Encircle Pine Rivers (Lawnton) 865 Gympie Road, Lawnton, Queensland, Australia

Caring Community Coffee & Crafts come together on a fortnightly basis to make Plarn Shopping Bags – “plarn” is plastic yarn made from single use bags. They slice the bags, join them and then roll it into balls to be crocheted into bags. The bags are available for sale here at Encircle and the group […]


Book Club (Lawnton)

Encircle Pine Rivers (Lawnton) 865 Gympie Road, Lawnton, Queensland, Australia

Do you love to read and enjoy connecting with new people? Join us on the first Monday of every month as we come together for engaging discussions, new perspectives, and great reads! Tea/coffee included. When: First Monday of every month Time: 10:00am – 11:30am Where: Pine Rivers Neighbourhood Centre (865 Gympie Road, Lawnton) Cost: Free […]


Peer Support Group (Lawnton)

Encircle Pine Rivers (Lawnton) 865 Gympie Road, Lawnton, Queensland, Australia

An all-inclusive, safe, supportive and understanding community-based peer support group for adults. Come and join us for conversation and sharing. Where: Pine Rivers Neighbourhood Centre, 865 Gympie Road Lawnton When: Tuesday fortnightly (except public holidays), 10am - 11:30pm No cost. Please contact or phone (07) 3889 0063 for more information. Free parking and disabled […]


Wood Burn Art Class

Encircle Pine Rivers (Lawnton) 865 Gympie Road, Lawnton, Queensland, Australia

Learn a new and fun skill in wood burn art. Men and ladies are welcome. No experience necessary. Where: Encircle Pine Rivers Neighbourhood Centre, 865 Gympie Road, Lawnton When: Second and fourth Wednesday of every month Time: 10.00am – 11.30am  Cost: FREE Book: Call 3889 0063 or email 

© 2025 Encircle All Rights Reserved.

Our Vision: Connected, Resilient and Thriving Communities
Our Mission: To support individuals, families and strengthen our communities.
Our Values: Integrity, Respect, Trust and Compassion.

Encircle Pine Rivers: Main Office | 865 Gympie Road Lawnton, QLD 4501 | Tel: 07 3889 0063 | Fax: 07 3285 1531 | Donate | Contact Us

We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work.
We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we live and work.

Pine Rivers Neighbourhood Centre

Encircle Redcliffe

Kallangur Neighbourhood Centre

Pine Rivers Legal Service

Young Parent Program