Thank you to everyone who joined us at the 16th annual Moreton Bay Says No To Violence (MBSN2V) walk and speaking event on Friday 31 May.

Over 500 people walked towards a future without violence along Redcliffe Parade to the Settlement Cove Amphitheatre. Once there they heard inspiring stories and impassioned pleas from:

  • Hon Yvette D’Ath MP
  • Acting Superintendent Julia Cook from Queensland Police Service
  • Holly Brennan from Centre Against Domestic Abuse
  • Circling The Wagons author Deb Aldrick from Dragonfly Advocacy
  • Mia from Y Schools Qld – Moreton Bay Campus
  • Lucy Little from MATE

Each May, Australia marks Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month to raise community awareness of domestic and family violence and to send a clear message that such violence will not be tolerated. Previously, the MBSN2V event was held in October, however this year the event was moved forward to bring it into Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month. By moving the MBSN2V walk to May, Encircle marks the start of the month with our Candle Lighting Ceremony, and ends it with the walk which will hopefully increase awareness around this important topic.

Thank you to everyone who came along to join us on the day.

If you didn’t get a chance to complete the short survey at the end of the speaking event, you can do so by clicking here.